Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Grocery Shoppers Want Meals, Not Menus


At the intersection of the question of "What's for dinner?"  and where do I get it, has become a daily challenge for millions of consumers. Steven Johnson Grocerant Guru® at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions® wants to share some new insights from a recent Deloitte report, as this question is a significant pain point for 53% of consumers, reflecting a broader shift in grocery shopping habits.

Shoppers no longer seek just ingredients or a vast menu of options—they want complete, convenient, and fresh meals ready to go. The grocery industry is at a critical juncture, and those who can successfully pivot to meet these evolving needs will find themselves on the path to growth.

The Convenience Factor: A Shift in Consumer Priorities

The Deloitte report, titled "A Fresh (Food) Take on Grocery Convenience," highlights that 52% of consumers value convenience more now than ever before. This shift is particularly pronounced among younger generations, with 61% of Gen Z and 57% of Millennials emphasizing the importance of convenience in their shopping decisions. This trend is reshaping the grocery landscape, where traditional grocers face competition not just from online grocery stores and third-party apps, but also from restaurants and dollar stores.

The key takeaway here is clear: consumers are prioritizing convenience, often over the quality or freshness of food. A staggering 82% of shoppers said that convenience guides their fresh food purchases. This preference is driving the need for grocers to rethink their strategies, particularly as 67% of consumers admit to choosing convenience over health or freshness on busy days.

Fresh Food: The Cornerstone of Grocery Growth

While convenience is paramount, fresh food remains a critical factor in consumer decision-making. Deloitte’s findings reveal that 90% of U.S. consumers believe fresh food contributes to their happiness, and two-thirds are willing to pay a premium—22% more on average—for fresh options over canned, frozen, or other alternatives. This presents a significant opportunity for grocers to differentiate themselves by offering high-quality, fresh food in convenient formats.

Grocers are aware of this opportunity, with 52% of grocery executives identifying fresh food as their most strategically important department over the next one to three years. The produce, deli, and meat departments are expected to lead this charge, providing the fresh options that consumers crave.

The New Wave of Grocery Competition

Despite the emphasis on fresh food, grocers are facing an increasingly complex competitive landscape. Traditional grocers must now contend with not just online players but also restaurants and dollar stores, which are rapidly encroaching on their territory by offering convenient, fresh food options. The Deloitte report underscores that 56% of grocers are concerned about competition from online grocery stores, while 53% are wary of third-party shopping apps. However, the real competition may come from other traditional grocers, restaurants, and dollar stores, which are often underestimated.

Grocers must also navigate emerging consumer preferences and economic pressures. As consumers’ wallets tighten, the demand for both value and convenience intensify. This trend is particularly challenging for grocers, who must balance the need to offer affordable, convenient options without compromising on the quality of fresh food that consumers are willing to pay more for.

The Role of Generative AI in Meal Planning

One of the most promising avenues for grocers to enhance convenience and boost sales is through meal planning. The Deloitte report indicates that 44% of consumers would regularly buy from a grocery store that could help them with meal planning. This is especially true for younger consumers, with 66% of Gen Z and 60% of Millennials citing meal planning as a primary pain point.

Enter Generative AI (GenAI), which is poised to revolutionize the grocery shopping experience. Eighty percent of grocery executives are optimistic about GenAI’s potential to transform their operations, with many seeing its application as a consumer assistant for meal planning as a "killer app." By leveraging GenAI, grocers can offer personalized meal planning services that not only simplify the shopping experience but also drive customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

Strategic Investments in Convenience

To stay competitive, grocers are increasingly investing in technologies and strategies that enhance convenience. According to the Deloitte report, 85% of grocers are making significant investments to increase convenience, with a focus on the pivotal moments throughout the shopping process. The biggest opportunity for boosting in-store convenience lies at the point of sale, where 73% of consumers prioritize faster checkouts, followed by more convenient store layouts and easier returns.

However, convenience isn't just about speed; it's about making the entire shopping experience seamless. Grocers that can integrate fresh food with convenience—whether through meal kits, ready-to-eat options, or efficient in-store experiences—will be best positioned to capture consumer loyalty.

Conclusion: A New Era for Grocery Shopping

The grocery industry is undergoing a profound transformation as consumers demand more convenience and fresh options. The days of overwhelming shoppers with endless menus and ingredient lists are fading. Instead, the future belongs to those grocers who can deliver complete, ready-to-eat meals that cater to time-starved consumers without compromising on quality.

As the Grocerant Guru®, I see a bright future for those grocers who embrace this shift. By focusing on "fresh convenience," leveraging technologies like GenAI for meal planning, and making strategic investments in the shopping experience, grocers can not only survive but thrive in this new era. The question isn’t just "What's for dinner?" anymore—it's "Who will provide it?" And for the grocers who get it right, the answer will lead to growth and success.

Invite Foodservice Solutions® to complete a Grocerant ScoreCard, or for product positioning or placement assistance, or call our Grocerant Guru®.  Since 1991 Foodservice Solutions® of Tacoma, WA has been the global leader in the Grocerant niche. Contact: Steve@FoodserviceSolutions.us or 253-759-7869

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1 comment:

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