Monday, July 29, 2024

Gen Z and Millennials: The Relevance of Timely Content


From the bustling aisles of your favorite restaurant, deli, or convenience store to the dynamic feeds of social media platforms, one thing is clear: capturing the attention of Gen Z and Millennials is crucial for any brand's success. Steven Johnson the Grocerant Guru® at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions®, has said confidently, understanding and leveraging creator-generated content is a game-changer. Let's dive into the fresh facts and insights from a recent consumer sentiment survey commissioned by NCSolutions (NCS) to explore why this timely content matters more than ever.

The Influence of Creator-Generated Content

Creator-generated content, often referred to as influencer content, has become a driving force in consumer purchasing decisions. According to the NCS survey, nearly half of Americans (48%) have purchased a product they saw featured in creator-generated content on an entertainment app or social media platform. This impact is even more pronounced among younger generations: two-thirds (66%) of Generation Z and more than half (55%) of Millennials have made purchases based on influencer content.

Engagement and Emotional Connection

The survey reveals that Americans feel a range of emotions when they encounter influencer-generated advertising. Nearly half (47%) feel entertained, and 43% are prompted to research the product. Additionally, 24% are likely to share the endorsed product with friends and family, and 23% feel inspired. These responses highlight the power of emotional engagement in driving consumer action.

For brands, this means that incorporating influencer-generated content into marketing strategies can enhance both reach and resonance. Deirdre McFarland, chief marketing and communications officer of NCSolutions, emphasizes this point: "Given the growth of creator-generated content and the quality and size of the audience that these social/entertainment platforms attract, brands have an opportunity to complement their branded marketing campaigns with these influencer-created ads."

Generation Z: Leading the Charge

Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, demonstrates a particularly strong affinity for creator-generated content. The survey found that 37% of Gen Zers appreciate creators sharing personal aspects of their lives, compared to 23% of all other generations. Furthermore, 27% of Gen Zers feel strongly connected to influencers, and 27% believe influencers endorse only top-quality products. This trust and connection make Gen Z a prime target for brands looking to build lasting relationships.

More than one in five Gen Zers trust influencers and their recommendations (21%), and 16% feel represented by creators. These figures are significantly higher than those of older generations, underscoring the unique bond between Gen Z and influencers. For brands, tapping into this connection can lead to increased loyalty and sales.

Key Elements of Effective Content

Understanding what makes creator-generated content effective is essential for brands aiming to engage younger audiences. Humor tops the list, with 50% of Americans citing it as the most appealing attribute of influencer ads. "How-to" videos (40%), music (37%), authenticity (34%), storytelling (33%), and product suggestions (27%) also resonate strongly with viewers.

As McFarland notes, "Knowing the elements that consumers like the most and drive purchase behaviors is vital intel for brands." By incorporating these elements into their influencer partnerships, brands can enhance their creative impact and drive incremental sales.

Economic Impact

The influence of creator-generated content extends across income levels. The NCS survey found that 52% of consumers earning $100,000 annually made a purchase based on influencer content, while 46% of those earning $50,000 to $99,000 and 41% of those with incomes less than $50,000 did the same. This widespread impact highlights the broad appeal of influencer marketing.

Strategic Implications for Brands

To stay relevant and drive growth, brands must recognize the value of timely, creator-generated content. By aligning with the right influencers and incorporating key content elements, brands can create memorable and impactful campaigns. As McFarland concludes, "Pairing your brand with the right creator not only raises the power of creative but also enhances brand connections, allowing advertisers to make lasting impressions with consumers."

Think About This, Gen Z and Millennials are more than just demographics; they are dynamic, influential consumers who respond to authentic, engaging content. Brands that embrace this shift and invest in creator-generated content will not only capture the hearts and wallets of these generations but also pave the way for sustained growth and success in the ever-evolving marketplace.

Don’t over reach. Are you ready for some fresh ideations? Do your food marketing ideations look more like yesterday than tomorrow? Interested in learning how Foodservice Solutions® can edify your retail food brand while creating a platform for consumer convenient meal participationdifferentiation and individualization?  Email us at: or visit us on our social media sites by clicking the following links: Facebook,  LinkedIn, or Twitter

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Timely Content Matters 

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