Thursday, July 4, 2024

Creating a Great Meal from Kiosks at Parades, Firework Shows, or Ballparks: A Fun-Filled Culinary Adventure


The team at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions® and the Grocerant Guru® believe that, summer is the season of outdoor festivities—parades, firework shows, and ballparks are alive with excitement. But beyond the spectacles and entertainment, there's another adventure waiting to be discovered: the culinary delights from kiosks scattered throughout these events. Crafting a great meal by sampling food from these kiosks isn't just about filling up; it's about savoring the diverse flavors, textures, and aromas that make these experiences memorable. Here’s how to create a great meal from these kiosks with a fun twist.

1. Plan Your Culinary Route

Before diving into the fun, take a stroll around the venue to scout out the kiosks. Parades, firework shows, and ballparks often feature a mix of traditional favorites and unique local specialties. Look for a variety of offerings:

·         Appetizers and Small Bites: Soft pretzels, mini corndogs, nachos, and sliders.

·         Main Courses: BBQ ribs, gourmet burgers, ethnic dishes (tacos, gyros), and seafood options.

·         Desserts: Funnel cakes, ice cream, churros, and cotton candy.

·         Beverages: Freshly squeezed lemonade, craft sodas, and local brews.

2. Mix and Match for a Full Course Experience

Treat your culinary journey like a progressive dinner, sampling small portions from different kiosks to create a multi-course meal. Here’s a suggested lineup:

·         Appetizer: Start with something light to whet your appetite. A soft pretzel with cheese dip or a small order of nachos can be a great choice.

·         Salad or Light Fare: Look for kiosks offering fresh fruit cups or veggie sticks. They provide a refreshing break from the heavier items.

·         Main Course: Choose a hearty option like a pulled pork sandwich, a loaded hot dog, or a classic cheeseburger. Ethnic options like a gyro or a taco can add an exciting twist.

·         Side Dish: Complement your main course with a side of sweet potato fries, a cup of chili, or grilled corn on the cob.

·         Dessert: End your meal on a sweet note with a funnel cake, a scoop of gelato, or a chocolate-dipped ice cream cone.

3. Incorporate Local Flavors

Part of the fun of these events is experiencing the local culinary culture. Seek out kiosks that offer regional specialties. For instance, if you’re at a ballpark in New England, try a lobster roll. At a Midwest fair, indulge in a hearty bratwurst. Incorporating local flavors not only enhances your meal but also deepens your connection to the event’s locale.

4. Share and Sample

Bring friends or family along for your culinary adventure. Sharing dishes allows everyone to taste a wider variety of foods without getting too full. It also makes the experience more social and enjoyable. Create a game out of rating each dish, or challenge each other to try something new and unexpected.

5. Stay Hydrated

With all the excitement and tasty treats, it’s easy to forget to stay hydrated. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you’re indulging in salty snacks or alcoholic beverages.

6. A Fun Twist: Culinary Bingo

Add an extra layer of fun by creating a culinary bingo game. Before the event, make bingo cards with different food items commonly found at kiosks. As you sample each item, mark it off on your card. The first person to get bingo gets a prize, like choosing the next dish to try or getting an extra dessert.

Final Thoughts

Creating a great meal from kiosks at parades, firework shows, or ballparks is about more than just eating—it’s about the adventure. By planning your route, mixing and matching dishes, incorporating local flavors, sharing with friends, staying hydrated, and adding a fun twist with culinary bingo, you can turn an ordinary day out into an extraordinary culinary experience. So next time you’re at an outdoor event, embrace the opportunity to explore, taste, and enjoy all the delicious offerings these venues have to offer. Happy eating!

Foodservice Solutions® specializes in outsourced business development. We can help you identify, quantify and qualify additional food retail segment opportunities or a new menu product segment and brand and menu integration strategy.  Foodservice Solutions® of Tacoma WA is the global leader in the Grocerant niche visit us on our social media sites by clicking one of the following links: Facebook,  LinkedIn, or Twitter

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 4th Cookout Costs Skyrocket: Grocerant Guru's Guide to Smarter Shopping


Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! This year’s Independence Day cookout might burn a bigger hole in your pocket, but don’t worry Steven Johnson the Grocerant Guru® at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions® has the scoop on how to stretch those dollars. According to the American Farm Bureau’s annual Fourth of July market basket survey, the cost for a classic cookout is hitting new highs in 2024. But with some savvy shopping strategies, you can still enjoy your feast without breaking the bank.

Survey Highlights:

·         Total Cost for 10 People: $71.22 (up 5% from last year, up 30% from five years ago)

·         Per Person Cost: $7.12

·         Main Culprit: Meat (50% of the total cost)

·         Ground Beef: $12.77 for 2 pounds (up 11%)

·         Chicken Breasts: Slight decrease in price

·         Potato Salad: Down 4%

Grocerant Guru’s Tips for Smarter Shopping:

1.       Shop Multiple Stores:

o    Why? Different stores have different sales and discounts. For instance, one store might have a great deal on ground beef, while another offers cheaper strawberries. By spreading out your shopping, you can take advantage of the best prices across the board.

o    Fact: Studies show that consumers who shop at multiple stores can save up to 15% on their grocery bills.

2.       Leverage Discount Days and Coupons:

o    Why? Many stores offer special discount days or digital coupons. Sign up for loyalty programs and keep an eye on weekly flyers.

o    Fact: Using coupons and shopping during discount days can save you an additional 10-20%.

3.       Bulk Buying and Sharing:

o    Why? Buying in bulk can be cheaper per unit. Split large quantities with friends or neighbors to minimize waste and cost.

o    Fact: Bulk purchases can reduce the per-unit cost by 25-30%.


Seasonal and Local Produce:

o    Why? Seasonal fruits and vegetables are often cheaper and fresher. Local farmers’ markets can offer great deals, especially towards the end of the day.

o    Fact: Purchasing seasonal produce can lower costs by up to 20%.

Breaking Down the Cookout Costs:

·         Hamburger Buns: $2.71 (up 7%) - Check for sales and generic brands.

·         American Cheese Slices: $3.57 (up 1%) - Look for in-store promotions.

·         Ice Cream: $5.65 (up 7%) - Consider making homemade ice cream for a fun activity and cost savings.

·         Lemonade: $4.19 (up 12%) - Try using bottled lemon juice and sweeteners as an alternative.

·         Strawberries: $4.61 - Visit local farms or farmers’ markets for fresh and potentially cheaper options.

·         Potato Chips: $4.90 (up 8%) - Look for sales or consider making your own for a healthier and cost-effective option.

Regional Variations:

·         Northeast: $63.54 for 10 people - Consider yourself lucky, as this is below the national average!

·         South and Midwest: Around $68.30 - Still under the national average.

·         West: $80.88 - A bit pricier, so strategic shopping is even more critical here.

Economic Factors:

The increases in cookout costs reflect broader economic issues like general inflation, supply chain disruptions, and rising production costs. However, by shopping smart and spreading your purchases across multiple stores, you can mitigate some of these impacts and enjoy a festive Fourth of July without the financial strain.

So, gather your shopping lists, compare prices, and make the most of every dollar. Happy grilling, and may your cookout be delicious and affordable!

Your Grocerant Guru®, always here to help you eat well and spend less.

Are you ready for some fresh ideations? Do your food marketing ideas look more like yesterday than tomorrow? Interested in learning how our Grocerant Guru® can edify your retail food brand while creating a platform for consumer convenient meal participationdifferentiation, and individualization?  Email us at: or visit: us on our social media sites by clicking one of the following links: Facebook,  LinkedIn, or Twitter

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Battle of the Backyard: Hamburgers vs. Hot Dogs


Summer is here, and with it comes the quintessential American pastime: BBQ grilling. As the Grocerant Guru®, I’m here to delve into the sizzling statistics and mouth-watering metrics behind two of the season’s most beloved grillables – hamburgers and hot dogs. Let’s see which one will reign supreme this grilling season.

A Look at the Numbers

According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC), Americans consume about 20 billion hot dogs annually. That's a staggering 70 hot dogs per person each year. During the peak grilling season from Memorial Day to Labor Day, Americans typically eat 7 billion hot dogs.

On the other hand, the burger stats are equally impressive. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that Americans consume nearly 50 billion hamburgers annually, translating to three burgers per person every week. Burger consumption also sees a significant spike during the summer months.

Market Trends and Consumer Preferences

The market trends for both hamburgers and hot dogs show steady growth, but there are some notable differences in consumer preferences.


1.       Customization: Consumers love the versatility of burgers. From classic beef to plant-based alternatives, the variety of options caters to a wide range of dietary preferences.

2.       Gourmet Appeal: The rise of gourmet burgers has added a new dimension to the market. Unique toppings, artisan buns, and specialty sauces elevate the burger experience.

3.       Health Consciousness: With a growing focus on health, many consumers are opting for leaner meats like turkey and chicken burgers or plant-based patties, driving innovation in the market.

Hot Dogs:

1.       Convenience: Hot dogs are the epitome of convenience. They’re easy to cook, easy to eat, and perfect for feeding a crowd.

2.       Tradition: There’s a nostalgic factor with hot dogs, often associated with baseball games, picnics, and family gatherings.

3.       Variety: From traditional beef and pork to turkey, chicken, and even veggie dogs, there’s a hot dog for everyone.

The Grilling Season Showdown

So, which will dominate the grills this summer? Let’s break it down with some hard facts:

1.       Sales Data: According to IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm, hamburger sales in the U.S. totaled approximately $28 billion in 2023, while hot dog sales reached $4.6 billion. Despite the lower total sales, hot dogs see higher volume sales due to their lower price point.

2.       Grill Preferences: A survey by the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) found that 85% of grill owners say they grill hamburgers frequently, compared to 75% who grill hot dogs frequently.

3.       Social Media Buzz: Analysis of social media trends shows that hamburgers generate more engagement and posts during the summer months, with hashtags like #BurgerSeason and #GrillMaster trending higher than #HotDogSeason.

Do You Want to Build


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Industry Insights

From an industry perspective, the BBQ season is a critical period for grocery stores and food retailers. The demand for both hamburgers and hot dogs surges, prompting retailers to stock up and offer promotions.

1.       Promotions and Displays: Grocery stores often create eye-catching displays for both burgers and dogs, with special promotions on buns, condiments, and grilling accessories.

2.       Cross-Selling Opportunities: Retailers capitalize on the grilling season by bundling related items such as BBQ sauces, marinades, chips, and beverages to enhance the customer’s grilling experience.

3.       Innovation: Both categories are seeing innovation with new product launches. Plant-based options, gourmet sausages, and exotic meat blends are expanding consumer choices and driving sales.

Think About This

While both hamburgers and hot dogs have their ardent fans, the numbers suggest that hamburgers might just edge out hot dogs in the grilling season showdown. The versatility, customization options, and health-conscious alternatives give burgers a slight advantage.

However, hot dogs remain a staple of American BBQ culture, beloved for their convenience and nostalgic value. In the end, the real winner of the grilling season is the consumer, who gets to enjoy the best of both worlds.

As the Grocerant Guru®, I predict that while hamburgers may take the crown, hot dogs will always have a special place on the grill. So, fire up those grills, stock up on your favorites, and enjoy a delicious summer of BBQ bliss!

Don’t over reach. Are you ready for some fresh ideations? Do your food marketing ideations look more like yesterday than tomorrow? Interested in learning how Foodservice Solutions® can edify your retail food brand while creating a platform for consumer convenient meal participationdifferentiation and individualization?  Email us at: or visit us on our social media sites by clicking the following links: Facebook,  LinkedIn, or Twitter