Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Ten-Year Journey of Grab n’ Go Adoption and Its Packaging Evolution


Over the past decade, the food industry has experienced a seismic shift toward convenience, and the rapid rise of takeout and grab n’ go options has been nothing short of remarkable. The team at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions® has been analyzing the increasing demand for quick, quality meals has been driven by busier schedules, shrinking disposable incomes, and an undeniable consumer desire to simplify daily life without sacrificing taste since 1991.  From sushi and sandwiches to salads and snacks, grab n’ go has evolved from a fringe offering into a cornerstone of modern food retail.

Ten years ago, few could have predicted the rapid growth of grab n' go, but as early as 2014, we began to see a clear trajectory. Back then, only about 25% of consumers regularly opted for ready-to-eat meals. Fast forward to 2024, and a recent study shows that 80% of consumers now prefer businesses with grab n’ go options. This reflects a cultural shift where convenience reigns supreme, and those in the food industry must evolve or risk irrelevance. As we look at today’s landscape, it’s clear that grocers, restaurants, and convenience stores have all had to rethink their service models to meet consumer demand.

Packaging: The Silent Driver Behind Grab n’ Go Success

As the Grocerant Guru® always says, "You can’t grab n’ go without the right packaging." The growth of takeout in the last decade has been fueled by innovations in food packaging. It’s no longer just about containing food—it's about presenting it in ways that preserve taste, enhance appeal, and align with sustainability goals. From the early days of basic plastic clamshells to today's eco-friendly, recyclable, and compostable packaging, the evolution has been swift and essential to the adoption of grab n’ go.

Here are three essential considerations for foodservice operators who want to ride the wave of grab n' go success:

1. Menu Diversity Matters More Than Ever

Over the past ten years, consumer preferences for grab n' go have expanded far beyond sandwiches and salads. Today, consumers are just as likely to grab sushi, protein-packed bowls, and globally inspired wraps as they are a traditional sub. The key to maintaining relevance in this competitive space is offering variety. A recent study revealed that lunch remains the leading grab n' go meal at 52%, followed closely by breakfast at 50%, with snacks and dinner also holding significant shares.

Foodservice operators must consider how packaging plays a role in this diversity. For example:

·         Will the packaging keep the meal fresh during transport?

·         Does it highlight the food's visual appeal?

·         Can it maintain the integrity of hot or cold items?

These questions are more critical than ever as consumer expectations continue to evolve alongside their busy lifestyles.

2. Sustainability: The Consumer-Driven Imperative

In the past decade, sustainability has moved from a nice-to-have to a must-have. Today's consumers are hyper-aware of environmental concerns, and a 2024 study found that 46% of U.S. consumers consider eco-friendly packaging essential when making food purchases. Ten years ago, the industry relied heavily on single-use plastics, but today we see everything from recyclable paper packaging to fully compostable containers dominating the grab n' go scene.

As sustainability continues to influence purchasing decisions, foodservice operators must work closely with packaging partners who can provide solutions aligned with consumer expectations and local environmental regulations. Packaging providers like Sabert are leading the charge by offering eco-friendly products that balance convenience, functionality, and sustainability.

3. Taste and Convenience Go Hand in Hand

While convenience has driven the rise of grab n’ go, it’s taste that keeps consumers coming back. Ten years ago, there was an assumption that quick meals sacrificed flavor. That mindset is long gone. According to a 2023 industry report, 59% of consumers still prioritize taste when selecting grab n' go meals, proving that no matter how fast the food is, it must deliver on flavor.

For providers, the challenge lies in crafting grab n’ go meals that are not only convenient but also creatively presented and delicious. Packaging once again plays a pivotal role, ensuring that the food remains fresh, visually appealing, and easy to consume on the go. It’s not just about offering a quick fix—it’s about offering a satisfying, high-quality meal experience.

Looking Forward: The Future of Grab n’ Go

The past decade has shown us that consumer habits and preferences are evolving quickly, and the demand for grab n’ go is far from plateauing. Whether it’s driven by the need for quick breakfasts, nutritious lunches, or convenient dinners, the grab n' go market is here to stay. For foodservice operators, the challenge is clear: adopt innovative packaging, offer diverse menu options, and ensure your offerings align with the sustainability values of today’s consumer.

As we look ahead, the future of grab n’ go will be defined by its ability to seamlessly blend taste, convenience, and environmental responsibility. And for foodservice operators, those who are slow to innovate will be left behind in an ever-growing market driven by the consumer’s quest for ease and efficiency.

Grab n’ Go in 2024: Where Taste Meets Convenience

For any foodservice operator or grocer, the time to enhance grab n’ go programs is now. The packaging provider you choose today could shape your future success, ensuring that your products remain relevant in a fast-moving market where convenience, sustainability, and taste converge. After all, as the Grocerant Guru® would say, the future of food is about more than just eating—it’s about making life easier, one grab n’ go meal at a time

Don’t over reach. Are you ready for some fresh ideations? Do your food marketing ideations look more like yesterday than tomorrow? Interested in learning how Foodservice Solutions® can edify your retail food brand while creating a platform for consumer convenient meal participationdifferentiation and individualization?  Email us at: or visit us on our social media sites by clicking the following links: Facebook,  LinkedIn, or Twitter

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