Friday, May 31, 2024

The Delicate Balance of Grocery Store Service Delis


Hello, this is the Grocerant Guru® at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions®, your trusted guide in the world of foodservice. Today, let's delve into a topic that's been stirring up quite a debate in the industry: Are grocery store service delis supposed to be restaurants? 

The Core Purpose 

First and foremost, it's essential to understand the core purpose of a grocery store service deli. These delis are designed to provide customers with a convenient option for fresh, ready-to eat meals. They are not intended to replicate the full-service restaurant experience. Instead, they offer a quick, efficient solution for shoppers looking for meal options that bridge the gap between home-cooked and restaurant dining. 

The Deli Difference 

While some similarities exist between a service deli and a restaurant—both offer prepared foods, for instance—the differences are significant. A restaurant focuses on providing a dining experience, complete with ambiance, table service, and a wide variety of menu options. On the other hand, a service deli is all about convenience and speed. The goal is to provide high-quality, ready-to-eat options that customers can grab on the go. 

The Balance Act 

Grocery store service delis walk a fine line. They must balance the need for speed and convenience with the desire to offer fresh, appealing food options. This balancing act is what sets them apart from restaurants. While a restaurant might spend hours preparing a dish, a needs to have meals ready to go at a moment's notice. 

The Bottom Line 

So, are grocery store service delis supposed to be restaurants? The answer, according to this Grocerant Guru®, is a resounding no. They serve different purposes and meet different customer needs. While there's room for innovation and creativity in both spaces, it's crucial to remember the core function of each. After all, in the world of, understanding and meeting customer needs is the recipe for success. 

Stay tuned for more insights from your Grocerant Guru®. Until next time, keep innovating, keep serving, and keep making the world of foodservice a better place. 

Don’t over reach. Are you ready for some fresh ideations? Do your food marketing ideations look more like yesterday than tomorrow? Interested in learning how Foodservice Solutions® can edify your retail food brand while creating a platform for consumer convenient meal participationdifferentiation and individualization?  Email us at: or visit us on our social media sites by clicking the following links: Facebook,  LinkedIn, or Twitter

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Grocerant Guru's Guide: The Restaurant Revolution and the Rise of Grocerants


In the ever-evolving world of food service, a seismic shift is underway. The lines between restaurants and grocery stores are blurring, giving birth to a new hybrid: the "grocerant." This innovative concept marries the dining experience of a restaurant with the convenience of a grocery store, offering customers a smorgasbord of prepared meals, fresh ingredients, and pantry staples all under one roof. This isn't just a trend, it's a revolution, and it's a world of opportunities for savvy restaurateurs ready to ride the wave.

So, how does a restaurant morph into a successful grocerant? Here's Steven Johnson the Grocerant Guru® at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions® blueprint for this culinary evolution:

Decoding Consumer Demand: The cornerstone of a successful grocerant is a deep understanding of consumer behavior. Market research and trend analysis can offer a goldmine of insights into what customers crave. Today's consumers are on the hunt for convenient, quality meal solutions that offer variety, making the grocerant concept a tantalizing proposition.

Mastering the Art of Product Curation: A grocerant isn't just a restaurant with a grocery section. It's a culinary wonderland, offering everything from freshly prepared meals and ready-to-eat options to grocery essentials and specialty ingredients. Restaurateurs can use their culinary prowess to curate a selection of top-notch products that reflect their brand and resonate with their target audience. Think signature dishes, artisanal goods, locally sourced ingredients, and exclusive recipes.

Building a Larger

Share of Stomach

Investing in the Future with Infrastructure and Tech: The transformation from restaurant to grocerant isn't just about adding a few grocery shelves. It requires strategic investments in infrastructure and technology. This could mean reconfiguring the layout to accommodate grocery displays and self checkout implementing an efficient inventory management system and leveraging tech for online ordering and delivery.

Freshness and Quality - The Grocerant Mantra: In the cut-throat world of food service, freshness and quality are non-negotiable. Grocerants have the edge here, offering freshly prepared meals alongside top-tier ingredients sourced from trusted suppliers. Highlighting the freshness and origin of products can win customer trust and set the grocerant apart from traditional grocery stores.

Crafting an Immersive Dining Experience: Convenience might be a key driver of the grocerant concept, but the dining experience is still king. Restaurants transitioning into grocerants can leverage their existing infrastructure to create a warm ambiance, provide stellar service, and offer customers opportunities to sample and discover new products. Live cooking stations, tasting events, and interactive displays can take the experience to the next level.

Fostering Strong Partnerships: Collaboration is the secret sauce for any successful grocerant venture. Partnerships with local farmers, suppliers, and food artisans can ensure a steady supply of fresh, high-quality ingredients while supporting the local community. Alliances with food delivery platforms and online marketplaces can extend the grocerant's reach and draw in a wider customer base.

Staying Agile in the Face of Changing Trends: The food industry is a moving target, with consumer preferences and trends in constant flux. To stay ahead, grocerants must be agile and adaptable, continuously innovating their offerings to meet changing demands. This could mean introducing seasonal menus, adding plant-based options, or catering to specific dietary preferences.

No think about this, the journey from restaurant to grocerant is a strategic move that allows restaurateurs to diversify their revenue streams, cater to evolving consumer preferences, and carve out a unique niche in the competitive food landscape. By understanding consumer demand, curating an extensive product range, investing in infrastructure and technology, emphasizing freshness and quality, creating immersive dining experiences, building strong partnerships, and adapting to changing trends, restaurants can successfully make the transition and thrive in the burgeoning grocerant market. So, are you ready to join the revolution?

For international corporate presentations, regional chain presentations, educational forums, or keynotes contact: Steven Johnson Grocerant Guru® at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions.  His extensive experience as a multi-unit restaurant operator, consultant, brand / product positioning expert, and public speaking will leave success clues for all. For more information visit, FoodserviceSolutions.US or call 1-253-759-7869

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What’s driving Gen Z and Millennials, to buy fresh prepared meal components at different retail outlets

Different generations look for differentiation in meal preparation than those before them according to Steven Johnson Grocerant Guru® at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions®.  Let’s see just what is driving this fresh take on ‘What’s for Dinner’:

Health and Wellness: Consumers are increasingly gravitating towards fresh, less-processed, and more natural fare. They believe that fresh foods are healthier. This movement is driven by consumers' preoccupation with health and wellness. 

Convenience: The reality is that many consumers simply don’t have time to prepare meals the way they did years ago.  Grocerants offer a one-stop-shopping solution for consumers driven by either curiosity or a lack of time.  Convenience is the overarching advantage of deli/fresh prepared versus home-cooked meals.

Quality and Variety: High-quality fresh produce and meat departments are the reasons that many adults decide to shop at a specific grocery store. Consumers are interested in seeing deli/fresh prepared featuring organic, locally-sourced, non-GMO, gluten free and other mega trend-inspired foods. 

Immediate Consumption Trend: In 2013, 15% of all eating occasions involved foods/beverages eaten within an hour of purchase. For Millennial eating occasions, that total was 40%. When eating alone, consumers are more likely to opt for fresh over frozen meals. 

Experience and Social Interaction: In the future, grocerants will emphasize experiential value and social interaction over little grocery shopping. They are turning their businesses into service providers, expanding their portfolios to include fresh food products, hot meals, as well as in-store cooking courses or wine tasting.

These trends are shaping the 'grocerant' niche and influencing how consumers shop for their meals. It's a fascinating intersection of the food industry and consumer behavior! 

Don’t over reach. Are you ready for some fresh ideations? Do your food marketing ideations look more like yesterday than tomorrow? Interested in learning how Foodservice Solutions® can edify your retail food brand while creating a platform for consumer convenient meal participationdifferentiation and individualization?  Email us at: or visit us on our social media sites by clicking the following links: Facebook,  LinkedIn, or Twitter

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Nestlé Taps into the Future of Food: A Grocerant Guru Perspective


In an era where the lines between grocery stores and restaurants continue to blur, Nestlé, a major player in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, has made a bold move that could redefine the future of food. The company has announced the launch of
Vital Pursuit, a new frozen food line developed specifically for consumers on GLP-1 weight loss medications.

A New Approach to Weight Management

While many food and beverage brands have been wary of the impact of weight-loss drugs on the marketplace, Nestlé has chosen to embrace this trend. The company has developed a portfolio aimed squarely at users of GLP-1 weight loss medications. This innovative approach supports weight management efforts achieved via injectable and oral drugs, as well as traditional weight loss methods.

Meeting Consumer Needs with Innovative Products

The Vital Pursuit line, set to be available in the fourth quarter of 2024 at select retailers around the United States, features a variety of frozen items that are high in protein and contain essential nutrients and fiber. The product range includes bowls with whole grains or protein pasta, sandwich melts, and pizza, all retailing at $4.99 or below. Consumers can also find gluten-free options and air-fryer ready items for added convenience. bowls with whole grains or protein pasta, sandwich melts, and pizza, all retailing at $4.99 or below. Consumers can also find gluten-free options and air-fryer ready items for added convenience.

"At Nestlé we want to be there for every moment in our consumers’ lives — today and in the future," said Steve Presley, CEO of Nestlé North America. "As the use of medications to support weight loss continues to rise, we see an opportunity to serve those consumers. Vital Pursuit provides accessible, great-tasting food options that support the needs of consumers in this emerging category."

The Future of Food in the Grocerant Niche

Given the projection that GLP-1 users may top 30 million by 2030 and data showing that nearly half of U.S. consumers have tried to lose weight at some point during a given year, the potential for these kinds of products is significant.

Tom Moe, president of Nestlé USA Meals Division, highlighted that they have been expanding choices across their meals portfolio to address consumer eating habits. As the market evolves, they plan to continue to expand Vital Pursuit with more product formats.

This move by Nestlé is a clear indication of how the company is tapping into the future of food. By developing products that cater to the specific needs of consumers, Nestlé is not only staying ahead of the trends but also shaping consumer behaviors. This strategy could serve as a blueprint for other companies looking to succeed in the grocerant niche.
developing products that cater to the specific needs of consumers, Nestlé is not only staying ahead of the trends but also shaping consumer behaviors. This strategy could serve as a blueprint for other companies looking to succeed in the grocerant niche.

I want you to think about this, Nestlé's Vital Pursuit line represents a significant step forward in the evolution of the food industry. It's a testament to the company's commitment to innovation and its ability to adapt to changing consumer needs. As the Grocerant Guru®, I am excited to see how this development will influence the its ability to adapt to changing consumer needs. As the Grocerant Guru®, I am excited to see how this development will influence the grocerant niche and the food food sales food sector to food sector.

Success does leave clues. One clue that time and time again continues to resurface is “the consumer is dynamic not static”.  Regular readers of this blog know that is the common refrain of Steven Johnson, Grocerant Guru® at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions®.  Our Grocerant Guru® can help your company edify your brand with relevance.  Call 253-759-7869 for more information.