Friday, May 31, 2013

Whole Foods Inclusive Strategy Means Additional Distribution

Whole Foods understand the food consumer better the than most other food retailers. Understanding that consumers wanted better for you food continues to be one of the company’s strengths.  When we talk about Whole Foods inclusive strategy we are speaking about Whole Foods ability to incorporate the consumer’s desire for “better for you” all day long.
Whole Foods understood that the consumer wanted better for you food but did not have time to cook it or the skill set to cook it. Thus Whole Foods added stations within the stores for ready-2-eat and heat-N-eat fresh prepared food creating additional points of distribution right in the stores. Consumers loved it.
Once known for 50,000, 60,000 and 65,000 square foot units consumer found it took too long to shop. Whole Foods reduced store size for new units two years ago and ROI on new units is up. It must also be noted that fresh prepared food sales and space allotted for grocerant niche food is up as well.
Now Whole Foods is planning on expanding points of distribution again this time with a program called “Click and Collect”.  Click and collect is a new online ordering program with store pick-up of food ordered. Whole Foods understands consumers are mobile, click and collect complements industry trends and most important adds value to consumers today and tomorrow.
Whole Foods goal is to more than double the number of stores (current 340) and grow to 1,000 in the United States alone. There is no doubt sales will double as more points of distribution are added. If success leaves clues a consumer focused strategy is one of them.

Steven Johnson is Grocerant Guru at Tacoma, WA based Foodservice Solutions, with extensive experience as a multi-unit operator, consultant and brand/product positioning. Since 1991 Foodservice Solutions® of Tacoma, WA has been the global leader in the Grocerant niche for more on Steven Johnson and Foodservice Solutions® visit or 

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