Sunday, October 2, 2016

McDonald’s Delivery is Strong

Success does leave clues and one of the strengths of McDonald’s is its ability to take time testing systems, food, and service to understand the benefits, complications, and outcomes that will drive continue unit level success.  Foodservice Solutions® team calls this system Build, Measure, Learn, and Repeat. 

When it comes to food delivery McDonald’s has taken its time in rolling out food delivery in the United States but that does not mean that they have done lots of food delivery.  In fact it has been widely reported that last year alone global food sales of food delivered by McDonald’s restaurants reached $ 1 Billion. 

Foodservice Solutions® Grocerant Guru® Steven Johnson thinks sooner than later stating “McDonalds has been testing delivery for several years and seems to have figured it out with the rollout of delivery in Australia. There is little doubt that in time they will roll-out delivery in the US as well.”

Southeast Asia has been the primary testing grounds for McDonald’s delivery including the following countries:
  1. Hong Kong
  2. Signapore
  3. Philippines
  4. Australia
Grocerant niche Ready-2-Eat and Heat-N-Eat fresh prepared food niche aka the Grocerant Niche is a perfect fit for McDonalds.  Leaders lead and McDonalds understands that the customer is dynamic not static and on the move.  Foodservice Solutions® Grocerant Guru™ Steven Johnson stated “McDonalds stop practicing Brand Protectionism long ago and that is one major key reason they have exceed globally and will continue.  McDonalds understands that you cannot do what you have always done and stay relevant.”

McDelivery works like most food delivery service.  There is a minimum order amount depending on country but they seem to range from $15 to $25 dollars, the delivery radius is 1.5 miles of the McDonald’s , most test area allow for both weekday, and weekend delivery and are open until 11PM at night.

Are you trapped doing what you have always done and doing it the same-way?  Interested in learning how Foodservice Solutions 5P’s of Food Marketing can edify your retail food brand while creating a platform for consumer convenient meal participationdifferentiation and individualization? Email us at: Steve@FoodserviceSolutions.usor visit: for more information

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