Sunday, June 15, 2014

Growing Distrust of Legacy Food Brands and Retailers Stirs Discontinuity

In the U.S. if you were growing up during the 60’s most likely you were questioning the establishment for that was the norm.  In the 70’s distrust, distain, disillusion with government lead to the resignation of a U.S. President.  Today, legacy branded food manufacturers and retailers are capitulating market share to private label manufactures, branded store brands too up-start fresh food retailers. 

Equally driven by a quest for self-discovery and growing disbelief or distrust of food labels and legacy brands the largest generation of consumers Millennials or as the Hartman Group calls it “the current “it” generation of consumers” is disrupting the food retail status quo. 

Educated, technology equipped, and when in doubt questioning this "it" generation of consumers, “Millennials know what’s cooking – literally”, according to new research by The Harman Group.

In a new report, Outlook on the Millennial Consumer 2014, details how Millennial consumers, aged 19 to 33, have become a reliable barometer for the future of food culture. Several findings of the report include:

1.       Millennials have the belief that nutritional variety, not excluding the consumption of unhealthy foods, is important to their overall health. Some Millennials even have guilt-free days, commonly referred to as "cheat days" or "total body crash," where they will eat anything, including "the epic breakfast."
2.       "Diets are propaganda," a 28-year-old Millennial female told the researchers. "One diet says one thing and another says the opposite. You need to find your own healthy balance and forget about fad diets
3.       "Millennials are more distrustful of brands and are less swayed by labels and claims that certain foods are "natural," "low-calorie" or "organic."
4.       Millennials lead other generations in paying attention to socially relevant callouts, such as product narratives and origin stories.
5.       Millennials enjoy cooking more than older generations, and these home cools and aspiring cools are crucial to a broader movement towards fresh, less process foods. 
  1. Millennials still eat out more than any other generation and prefer fast food, in part because of their age and income level. However, they look for healthier options such as Chipotle Mexican Grill. Millennials are particularly drawn to this chain for its open kitchen and build-your-own ingredient bar that provides them with an authenticity they love. Chipotle also has values that coincide with theirs: organic and local ingredients, and meat with no added hormones or antibiotics.
Ready-2-Eat and Heat-N-Eat fresh prepared food continues to garner favor from every age group today.  Most important to the Grocerant Niche’s booming success is the rapid adoption by Millennials. If success does leave clues, Restaurants, Drug Stores, C-stores and Grocery store formats will need to adapt to accommodate the growing appetite for fresh prepared Ready-2-Eat and Heat-N-Eat Grocerant Niche food. Outside Eyes can Drive Inside Top Line Sales and Bottom Line Profits.
Interested in learning how the 5P’s of Food Marketing can edify your retail food brand while creating a platform for consumer convenient meal participation, differentiation and individualization contact us via Call 1-253-759-7869 or Visit:

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